Have we ever given some time to imagine what would the world look like in next 10-15 years? What would be the next big thing that science come up with? Does the poverty and hunger get completely eradicated?
More importantly, what does Nepal look like in the next 15 years? Do we progress exponentially or we still opt logarithmic progression? Can we cope with these political instability and economic crisis in a better way? What are the sectors that we will improve and what are the sectors that we will fall back ? Future is somehow predictable based on the past knowledge and the past statistics. If we know enough statistics about the past, we can say something about the future and we can take actions accordingly to improve from the past mistakes.
Let us all imagine what type of nation we want to build in the future and where do we want to see our country in next 10-15 years? Then let us study all the relevant statistics from all the fields and compare our ideal scenario and the actual statistical analysis. Let us see what are the factors that need improvement and what are the ways to mitigate and minimize the mistakes. If everyone in the responsible field feel their responsibility and start imagining with cool head about the future of the country, we can easily find some progressive solutions. Then we can see if not exponential but square growth on the economic, social, education, health, science and research plus political curves.
Most important thing is to closely study the mistakes and take massive actions to improve ourselves. Let us be serious everyone. Our future is determined by the present actions that we take. Let us think some years ahead when we take any action.